A Typical Kashmiri
Pandit Marriage
Part 2 of 7
was the custom that the Kashmiri Muslim ladies of the neighbourhood come
down in the street and follow the groom singing traditional Kashmiri folk
in praise of the bridegroom. This folk is called "Vanvun". It will not
be out of point to add that their is a little difference in Hindu "Vanvun"
and Muslim "Vanvun". This shows the harmony of religion what we called
"Kashmiriyat". Even the Muslim elders and ladies in the mohalla used to
garland the groom. |
lo! The groom is on his way to bride's place sitting in car. The "Maharaz
car" is followed by the cars and vehicles of the baratis what we call as "Yanivol" in Kashmiri. The car is fully decorated with flowers , buntings
and balloons. It should be noted that in "Maharaz car" only small children
of the family accompany the groom. I remember, there used to be a traffic
jam in the Habba Kadal area on any auspicious day of "Lagan". A lot many "Maharazas" had to wait to give way to others to proceed. It may be noted
that if the "Maharaza" had to go to brides place in the same locality,
he used to take a farther route so that the thrill of baratis remain
there. Again down memory lane...... |
bridegroom on arrival at the brides place is welcomed first by the elders
and then by all members and relatives of the bride's side. He is welcomed
by garlands of flowers "Poshmaal" and other types of garland. All the baratis
are escorted to the "Saibaan" the decorated tent pitched in the courtyard
of the bride's house for this purpose. And of course all the way from the
main road to the "Saibaan" coloured sawdust was used to decorate the roads
and streets i.e. Kochas. Now after the exodus only "Janjgars" have remained
where the marriage can be performed. The scent of performing the marriages
in own houses has gone........ |
"Jaimala" custom was not initially in Kashmir. But now due to exodus the
community is living out of Kashmir and naturally picking up the local customs
too. In fact "Jaimala" custom is old Hindu custom but was not adopted by
Kashmiri Pandits. But now virtually no marriage is being performed without
this ritual. This custom of course has added glamour to the
celebrations. |
bridegroom and the bride sit together on the dias type of platform and
relatives and friends come to them and greet them with presents. This custom
too was not there initially but after leaving Kashmir this has been adopted
from local people. In olden days, a full night before the lagan was spent
in decorating the "Saibaan" and especially the place where the groom was
to sit called as "Maharaz Jai" . All new and glamorous saris of the woman
folk were used for this. There were no professional decorators those days.
The bride was brought in the open only on the "Vyug" ceremony. But now
they both together sit on a dias. Here the couple is seen being served
with tea or milk with sweets. |
Pictures and Commentary provided by:
Uteesh Dhar, Ahmedabad