Critical Review
Arjan Dev Majboor, writing in Kashmiri language, living
now in Udhampur in the Jammu province, is a major poet and his thirty poems
written originally in Kashmiri, have been translated into English by Arvind
Dev Majboor
Reading all the poems makes one feel the touch of tenderness,
sincerity and a dash of serendipity the poet possesses. The poet has the
imagination that rides, and he sometimes is lost in comprehensiveness of the
thought, and it is happily noted, that gives a tinge of poetic dignity. He is
enigmatic in the poem The Topsy-turvy Tree, and what follows is a picture
of utter desolation and ruin. He is not optimistic about the world's good things
but that does not deter him to see images drawn in Nature but perceived by him
like the one a poet constructs in intellect and expresses in imagination, and
the embodiment is the poetic cluster. The poet in the poem The New Millennium
sees an "eternal Rider coming." He pines for the recovery of lost
virtues, but limitation remains bound in the Indian tradition; it does not
strive to release itself from the vague to transcend, never gives a flight
towards a new height. In the poem The Hungry Man he paints a man very
nicely who has no address to knock for the culmination of hunger. The poet has
no conflict with politics it surfaces, as a poet is a teacher, a prophet, a
builder, a protester, an activist (Remember Gunter Grass). In the poem Chiselled
Words he strives for invention of words which will give the world, to say, a
total humanity and ideal place to live in. This pellucid approach is laudable.
Surrealistic he is and in that case his deftness has known success. In To the
Swan there is a journey, a search, an option rather a craving for regaining
or resurrecting the old phenomena. A vision towards an order of high
enlightenment is also earnestly required now. A tomorrow man is a freedom in
thought. There are six core thought-depicting drawings by Vijay Zutshi. All the
English translated poems are congenial and don't give the idea that they are
translated. A very good publication.
Braja Chattopadhyay
Arjan Dev Majboor is a restless soul … Although he is a
septuagenarian yet age has not touched his spirits. His poetic journey has
witnessed many trends in literature and he has been shaping himself throughout
according to these trends. He is a dynamic poet.
Maharaj Krishert Santosh
Majboor's Waves is a rich addition to the treasure of
Kashmiri culture.
Ghulam Nabi Khayal
Each poem in Majboor's Waves is a wave from the
oceanic mind of the poet. He is a magician using the sleight of words to trick
and captivate, a sculptor chiselling words to perfection, a master blender
concocting a heady cocktail of words and creating unique imagery by endowing
words with movement.
Dr. K.L. Chowdhury
Kashmir lives in Majboor’s poems. While reading them I feel
as if I were in Kashmir. The English translation of his Kashmiri poems is the
way to reach other languages.
Padma Sachdev
A first reading of (of Waves) shows the mature treatment of
life. I feel certain that the book will be well received in literary circles.
Jayanta Mahapatra
Majboor's poetry is evocative of the beauty and angst of
Kashmir. He draws powerful word portraits and at the same time is able to convey
a deeper meaning behind signs and symbols. Majboor is one of India's most
important contemporary poets. His poetry is characterised by a seamless fusion
of the traditional forms with the modern idiom.
Dr. Subhash Kak
The image that Waves presents is of a poet deeply disturbed
and distressed by the violence and terror that have ferociously mauled human
values and the uninhibited sway of hate-breeding ideologies that have put the
future of the entire mankind in jeopardy … Existential problems also surface
in these poems and then there is that element of romanticism that cannot hold
itself back.
Dr. S. S. Toshkhani
Arjan Dev Majboor is a sensitive poet and a superb craftsman….
In the history of Kashmiri literature he will remain immortal.
Rehman Rahi
Waves reveals the mind of Majboor- vast and deep with troughs
and peaks of intense joy and sorrow, pain and nostalgia, wisdom and vision,
despair and hope.
Dr. B.K. Moza
Majboor's poetry is marked by deftness of expression, deep
introspection, progressive outlook and mature treatment. His work constitutes a
muffled outcry of his bruised heart against the disappearance of old values and
the disequilibrium of modern life.
T. N. Koul
Majboor's Waves is quite readable. The poems in the volume
are enjoyable and uplifting .... The poet has handled themes with skill, economy
and with a surety of touch.
Dr. T.N. Dhar
Arjan Dev Majboor's Waves is the reflection of his
partitioned soul caused by the separation from his native land.
Dr. Manzoor Fazili
Waves shows that Majboor, who was a radical progressive poet
in his youth, has mellowed into a matured artist.
Ghulam Nabi Firaq